Marathi/Hindi transliteration in instant messenging
I had been trying to make some Marathi transliteration tool for email sometime back.
Although that work stalled, recently I came across one plugin for Gaim which converted English to Tamil.
I was able to modify the plugin for Marathi/Hindi using Varun's (author of original plugin) help.
I have released first version of this plugin for Gaim 1.5.0 on Windows and Linux.
Please read README and transliteration legend for instructions.
The plugin can be found at
Please try this plugin and mail me your comments and suggestions.
1. Varun, for original idea, helping me understand Gaim API used and implement some additional logic.
2. First victims of some (un)readable Marathi/Hindi messages - Debajit, Shrinand, Himanshu, Rahul and Varun (although he doesn't understand Hindi at all).
3. Shridhar Ratna (whose 8085 simulator project I took over) for giving inspiration to Varun for original plugin.
4. Last but not least, Gaim team for such a wonderful software.
I hope these plugins make their way into Gaim and be a compelling feature for using Gaim.